Tuesday, 23 July 2013


For this you will always be special
I love you more than any one will ever know
If there was a word to describe my love
Surely it would only be spoken by God.
For no person could love more than me
In my heart I carry you
And the essence of love
In its pure and simple form
All I have to offer you is me
And my love
Though both are simple
I promise they are true
Even as I write this
I think of how to describe to you
Something I hardly understand
But I must tell you how I feel

Monday, 15 July 2013

A happy family depends on teamwork. Every member of the family should feel that he or she has a stake in wanting to have a happy family life. Create guidelines in your family for how you can work together as a team.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Enjoy everyday

Life is hard. Whether it is trouble with family, friends, your workplace, or perhaps, the inability to even find employment, there are many factors that contribute to making our lives that much more difficult to deal with. Life IS stressful, Fortunately, there are small ways to embrace the very precious things in our daily lives that we sometimes forget to enjoy.